IEEE Software Special Issue on Test-Driven Development
IEEE Software is running a special issue devoted to both the state of the practice and the state of the art of Test Driven Development (TDD) in May/June 2007. They are seeking articles to address TDD use in a wide range of project types and styles, with a particular interest in test-driving large software projects, dealing with legacy code, and test-driving the maintenance of a legacy system. Other topics of interest include
- good practices, patterns and anti-patterns for Test Driven Development
- TDD in various industrial contexts (for example, information systems, the Web, and embedded systems)
- dealing with large systems and scaling TDD
- TDD and software maintenance
- management challenges in implementing TDD
- emergent design in TDD
- economics (effectiveness) of TDD
- introducing the discipline of TDD to developers with various levels of experience, socio-cognitive aspects
- test-first complex GUIs
For more information and details of how to submit papers visit IEEE computer society site
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