Software Testing FAQ - No. 10
Would you recommend that software testers ever use statistics creatively to disguise what could be huge black holes in budgetary forecasts?
Another question from Oliver. Thanks Oliver. I think, perhaps, you have a secret passion for software testing. Many politicians do have secret passions. Stephen Milligan had a passion for satsuma segments, Harvey Proctor had a passion for striped shirts (amongst many secret passions, it seems, although he wasn't the greatest at keeping them secret) and Nicholas Soames appears to have a passion for pies.
Colchester is supposed to be the pie capital of England but Nicholas is the MP for Mid Sussex. Which shows that one man, even a determined and capable man such as Rt Hon Nicholas Soames, can't out eat an entire metropolitan community. Maybe that will become a pithy quote that appears in a book of quotations. But back to the question. I say no they should not. And I say it without equivocation. One man's advice is another man's virtue. There you go. Another pithy saying for the book.
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