Sunday, January 25, 2009

Static testing and doing the right thing

Read an interesting paper about static analysis and defect detention at

Perhaps the most surprising thing about static analysis is not that it can detect memory leaks, buffer overflows, or incorrect pointer assignments at compile time, but rather that users of static analysis will often fail to fix such detected defects.

One of the most frequently misunderstood aspects of static analysis is that it is distinctly different from other bug finding techniques. Static analysis users are often aware of the advantages it provides in defect detection, while simultaneously failing to realise that a different approach must be taken for defect resolution.

Static analysis testing reports defects in a different way than dynamic testing and user reported defects; these differences must be understood and appreciated to effectively improve software quality with any static analysis tool.

If you're interested in learning how to take an effective approach with static analysis testing then take a look at the paper.

Software testing market