Monday, April 07, 2008

Risk Based Testing

Top ten results from Yahoo when searching for risk-based testing:

1. Risk Based Testing for E-Business, Web and Internet
Risk based e-business testing ... Buy Risk Based E-Business Testing direct from the publisher (Also available as ... Risk Based E-Business Testing is a hands

2. Risk-based Testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exploratory & Risk Based Testing (2004), by Cem Kaner ... Most people consider James Bach to be the "father" of risk-based testing.

3. Risk based testing forum - Home
... programme managers and project managers who are practicing risk based testing. ... Risk based testing can help you prioritise or reprioritise at any point during

4. Heuristic Risk-Based Testing
Well, now that you know what risk-based testing is, I can devote the rest ... If you accept this premise, you might well wonder how the term "risk-based testing"

5. Software testing services - Acutest
UK software testing consultancy, providing outsourced technical and business assurance services. ... the elapsed time spent testing and the time spent on

6. BBST Risk-Based Testing
Activity for risk-based testing (sorting out the attacks) Essay test questions ... Risk-based testing (in my view) focuses on the ways the program can fail

7. Risk based testing
Risk based testing. Prioritization for the first test © 2004 Hans Schaefer. Slide no. 12. Risk based testing. Product Risks: What to think about

8. Site Search : Detail
... you might well wonder how the term "risk-based testing" is not merely redundant. ... Three Ways to Organize Risk-Based Testing

9. Risk-based testing
Risk based testing: the technique used to prioritise the development and ... This is also known as risk-based testing and riskbased testing.

10. Risk-Based testing and metrics
... and processes to support the risk based approach to testing in the case project. ... level of testing per function based on the risk assessment of the